Saturday, February 25, 2006

Agnosticism is also not a method of argument

I know I bang on about my two favourite subjects, but I like them so there :-)

Last Thursday Radio 4's thought for the day was by John Bell of the Iona Community.

It was only the last bit that really caught my ear, but having listened to it again I was also struck by:
"And in the end of the day you can't dissect a mystery, you can only embrace it..."
ARRGH NOO! You fecking limp lettuce hippy permanent agnostic waste of space! Of course you can dissect a mystery, that's what being a detective or a scientist is all about! A rainbow is no less wonderous for knowing how it's made!...

Ahem, anyway, the last bit was a poem by Lucien Zell:
"I used to believe in God's plan
until I arrived at a great surprise:
God has no plan -
he prefers to improvise."
Which is almost, but not quite, correct.

It should of course be:
I used to believe in God's plan
until I arrived at a great surprise:
There's no need for a God that plans
when evolution can improvise.

[That's enough seriousness for one month: ed]


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