Friday, June 23, 2006

Musing 3

Manliness is a state of mind, not a physique (though being fit never hurts :-)

Walking straight up to someone and getting something done: this is manly.

Getting into a sulky rage and fighting: this is not manly.

Leading, enabling and encouraging growth: manly.

Bullying: this is the mind of a child.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Getting old

A good friend once said:
"You know you're getting old when you think young people dress funny and you don't understand their music"
I mean, girls with pot bellies hanging over their hipster trousers: does anybody think that looks good?

And I think Terry Wogan is really good radio in the morning.

And I've started making that YEUURGHH noise when I get out of a chair like my Dad does...

And the young hair-washer in the Barbers had a fantastic cleavage! [no wait, that's just me being a man :-]

Hmm, any other clues?

On the other hand hopefully Dad will be making those noises for a while longer yet as he had his op today.

But it was a difficult op and the surgeon did say that one more month and the tumour would have been too big to operate on – and yet the fabled Dr Martin didn't spot any of the symptoms for more than a year! Dickhead.

So the next thing to get used to is Dad having extensive chemo...

And, on yet another hand, my Dad's cousin also died of Colon Cancer just a few days ago so, now that a lot of the paternal side have gone the same way, myself, sibling Wallop-Wallop and a bunch of other male relatives will be signing ourselves up for the inyerendo-oscopy. Niiiice...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Parents: can't live with them... #2

Mothers the universe over have the inability to believe their children grow up. I think even Martian mothers say to their adult offspring "Now dear, I'm sure you don't hold your ray gun like that. Do it properly...".

And, true to form, even though sibling Wallop-wallop and I are, ahem, well never mind how old, the Matriarch still likes to protect her "little things"... So when she said "Your dad's going into hospital on the 8th" she missed out nearly the entire story: ie. neglecting to mention it was just for a chat with the specialist!

For goodness sake.

Any road up, Aged Pa is due in to have plumbing chopped out and the ends joined together again on July the 20th.

But the main issue is that the docs won't know how far gone the cancer is until it's lifted out and looked at. This is despite having apparently classic symptoms for a year or more that were dismissed by the nob-head Dr Martin (you know who you are!). If it wasn't for the superb, foreign, locum they happened to see one day we might all have been ignorant of the whole thing until it was far too late!

For fuck's sake!

Well, be thankful for the good things I suppose...

Ps. Of course, on the evening of the 7th the Radio 4 Moral Maze was all about a guy with colon cancer and should he get expensive drugs or not. Niiiice...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Parents: can't live with them...

There’s one thing that parents and children have in common: they want their children / parents to be happy.

Actually there’s another thing: one’s parents and children never have sex ever ever just bloody EVER all right! Just don’t give me that “so how comes you’re here” nonsense la la la I’ve got my fingers in my ears la la lar lar LAH!!!. So there! Ok!

Anyway, back to happiness. Nothing else really matters when you come down to it and, now that both ancestors are retired, conversations between self and said often go like this:

Me: “So what are you doing for fun these days?”

Them: “ooh, a bit of gardening and the church fete”

Me: “err, anything exciting?”

Them: “no not really”

Me: “oh for goodness sake just pick something, go out, and do it!!!”

Them: “yeah I guess so”

Etc. etc.

And why is it that my parents seem to have such a hard time having a holiday?!

They went to Thailand – plain got delayed.
They went to New York – it rained.
And they’re always having colds or what not just before a hols and, as a descendant, I have to come to terms with the idea there’s nothing I can do.

They are grown-ups after all.

So, dear reader, the story comes round to this year’s holiday: two long weeks in Scandinavia seeing lots of interesting things, everything arranged for them (and, unfortunately, costing a packet). What could possibly go wrong?

Sage Dad T. P. W-W II gets diagnosed with colon cancer.

He’s having his bum chopped off tomorrow as far as I can gather.

Flip… To be honest I'm not really thinking about it much. Deliberately.

Funnily enough, I’ve had “C” by John Diamond on my shelf for ages, so now seems a good time to charge through it...