[Warning: this is a number 2 rant]
I'm currently watching Question Time on BBC1 and they're
still going on about the inequaltiy of pay between men and women.
Will Self just made the excellent point that perhaps instead of women trying to earn as much as men, men should work less and earn as much as women....
Then another anonymous talking politician tried to score a few points about how this is a big injustice etc. etc. blah blah blah
But they all miss the point!
Executive jobs, where the big money is, is a harsh and nasty business. Dog eat dog. Ego wins. Etc. etc.
But let's think back to when you were in school... what games did you play?
Boys played football, to cries of "get in there!", "kill!", "get the ball", "go on, score"
Girls played netball where as soon as you get the ball you have to stand very, very still and give it away.
Now it's all very well saying that that top jobs
should be more touchy-feely and generous, but they're just not! Get used to it.
Drop netball, get girls to play football and wait 20 years. That's all you need to do to equalise pay!