Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The train on platform 3

2nd of November! Woohoo, half way through the ban - and what have I learnt about public transport?

It sucks.

Except when it doesn't, when it's rather good.

If you want to go inter-city, and you can plan a week in advance, then the train is really fast and pretty cheap. And through-ticketing has to be the one thing that makes it work: I recently did a weekend trip half-way up the country and back and must have used 5 different train companies at mad times of the day and night – all on one ticket! The house of Lords did a superb job when they stitched up the Dark Witch Maggie about that one. Hurrah I say!

But take out a mortgage if you want to travel now, be prepared to leave waaaay before the end of any nightlife if you want to get home – even in London - and give up completely if you just want to go to the next town along... *

I've been way too busy with the new job and Opera rehearsals to blog much recently. So go buy tickets and normal service will be resumed after the show...

* except for some very decent friends to whom I owe a lot.


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